Now is the time to make real choices! You want more from your personal life, career or your ventures but you don’t have the time to free up a couple of hours a month for coaching.
But the restlessness eats away at you … questions keep coming up, such as “is this really what I want?”, “isn’t more possible?” Maybe you’re having thoughts like “now it’s time to be really honest with myself”, “I’m running on empty”, “my relationship really isn’t what it used to be”, “it really is time I do something about this”. Eventually daily routine takes over again and you don’t take the time to make those choices. Life just goes on.
Do you recognise this? Then this is the solution: Intensive 24-hour coaching. The Intensive 24-hour coaching is for ‘die-hards’ with little time.
From Friday midday to Saturday midday we will work together on the topics you want to focus on.
Coaching takes place at a location that is by the sea or in the forest so that we can also work outside or talk while we walk.
During a preparatory interview we will discuss all expectations and other details. We will discuss the things you want to focus on, what you want to achieve, what you expect from me as a coach, but also what I expect from you as a coachee. We will then also determine the date and location together.
Would you like to experience the intensive coaching programme or learn more about it? Then please contact me via via of bel me op or call me at +31 6 81456045.
I got to know Karen as an enthusiastic coach, always looking for opportunities to make a team stronger and to improve client’s function and performance. In my experience, she really can add value when people are inclined to get lost in their own technical issues, thereby being blind to the role of communication and social context. And, not insignificant, Karen is, as far as I can see, really interested in people.Erik TornijActuary at Nationale-Nederlanden